Sponsors and Suppliers
If you ever travel to Engelberg for a holiday or a nice weekend, I can warmly recommend the Hotel Crystel. You can expect spacious rooms, a new and modern spa area, excellent food in the Hotel Tuifelsstei and very friendly and courteous hosts. The Hotel Crystal offers the perfect accommodation for holidays, training camps or for a race weekend at the ÖKK Bike Revolution Engelberg.
Baeriswyl Präzisionsmechanik AG has expertise and experience in milling, turning and construction. The company can respond to orders at short notice and delivery is reliable and on time.
My most important Sponsor, my companion and my role model:
My father Thomas Riesen has always been a great role model for me from an early age. Whether in sports or in other areas. He also introduced me to mountain biking. We did our very first rides and "training sessions" together and that's how he introduced me to this great sport.
No matter where a race takes place, he is always by my side and does his best for me! And if things don't go as planned, whether in sport, work or other areas, he is my first and best point of contact and I am very grateful for that!

DM me, if you want do become a sponsor!
If you would like to support a world-class athlete, you are very welcome to do so. I would be very happy about any sponsoring, any help and any support.
If I have aroused your interest, I would like to give you the opportunity to contact me. You can reach me by email, by phone or simply by using the contact form.
I would like to thank you in advance for your support and hope for a good working relationship.